
Kobudo roughly means ‘The old way’. It refers to the self-defence and combat styles that were practiced long ago in the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa). Old Ryukyu weapons are the main focus of the training that is taught today.

Kobudo goes hand in hand with Karate-Do training and it is taught to those seeking more challenges at the Kiyoshin Karate Association. It takes time and dedication to master Kobudo; so we use a separate grading system.

We focus on Training for Bo, Sai, Nunchaku, Tonfa and Kama.

Bo- A long wooden pole used to block and strike.

Sai - A pair of chrome-plated steel prongs with the handle usually wrapped in cotton ribbon. They can have from 1 to 3 prongs depending on design. About the length of your hand and forearm combined.

Nunchaku - Two wooden handles connected together with rope.

Tonfa - A large piece of wood with a wooden handle inserted at a 90 degree angle near one end of the wood. Similar to the design of a Police Baton.

Kama - Based on an old farming tool, The Kama is basically a small scythe with a wooden hand length handle and a curved steel blade. Practice is usually performed with a pair of Kama.