NAS Update October 2021
Here is an update from NAS-
Thank you to all competitors and family for your continual patience and understanding as Victoria finally and possibly sees some light towards ending lockdown and slowly moving forward with our Covid fight.
Our roadmap out of our current lockdown, while welcomed and pleasing will unfortunately not provide a possible way in which to hold a tournament this year.
The last two years have been difficult for us all, and while the majority of us have been travelling down a hard road, as martial artists we continue to rise to each challenge a find a way through.
Moving forward we have set dates for next year and believe with the success of the Vaccination rollout and the easing of restrictions 2022 will see us again come together, sharing what we love to do.
With this in mind our 2022 dates are -
March 27th - Round One
June 19th - Round Two
August 21st - Round Three
October 23rd - State Championships
Finding the positives from this, students will be back training together and better prepared for competition. We will see each other, share, connect and remember good times. I read recently one instructor's thoughts of happiness of watching their student's succeed, the feeling of pride and comradery that is the spirit of NAS. Reading those words reminds me of how valuable being able to share our passion is and the successes and growth it provides through competitions for students, instructors and family.
I am hoping our competitors will be happy and generous in allowing their entries to be carried over to the first tournament of 2022. As 2021 comes to an end, I see a brighter, happier and much more successful 2022.
Take care and and please contact me via email at if you need,
Thank you,